About Us

Welcome to Eternal King School of the Bible (EKS), where we are dedicated to equipping individuals with a sound understanding of God's Word and His mission.


We are an evangelical, Bible-believing organization. We are dedicated to Jesus Christ alone, and to the clear and plain teachings of the Bible. While we love and pray for those in the world and those in the Catholic, Mormon and Protestant churches, EKS is strictly committed to evangelical, biblical distinctives that unite and empower the true, worldwide Body of Christ.

Our Vision

At EKS, we are committed to a holistic, biblical worldview in training future pastors, preachers, missionaries, Bible teachers, and researchers. Our unique focus on Missions, Ministry, and Exegesis sets us apart from other Bible colleges and missionary training programs in America.


EKS will be pursuing accreditation in the future. Currently, this school operates under God-given, Christian freedom, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and our recognized liberty in Texas by the State Supreme Court to freely operate as a Bible school without any license or obstruction from the State Department of Education.

Our Founder

Our founder, Professor Abel Arias, brings a lifetime of biblical study and scholarship as well as ministry experience to EKS. Arias is a doctoral research student working in Bible Exposition, Hermeneutics and Apologetics. With a Master of Divinity degree from Luther Rice University (2022), a M.A. Apologetics (2018), a Juris Doctorate (2006), and a Bachelor's in Biblical Studies, Arias is committed to developing each student's gifts and talents for a lifetime of learning God's Word and applying it in our lives and callings.


Visit Arias on Academia.edu.

Our Mission

We are pastor-led and committed to the Gospel. Our mission is to provide sound Bible teaching and exposition, equipping individuals for ministry and missions. We offer comprehensive training in Bible Exegesis, Ministry Training, and Missions Preparation to ensure our students are fully prepared for their calling.

Biblical Beliefs

Below are some important evangelical beliefs that EKS professes:


  1. The Trinity (Godhead) of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, of the same divine quality and substance;
  2. The eternal, unchangeable and holy qualities of the omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent God;
  3. The full humanity and full divinity of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who as a man was born of a human virgin, died on a Roman cross as our substitutionary atonement, and rose from the dead to live forever;
  4. The eternal pre-existence of Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever, and who did real miracles and taught perfect truth about Himself, the Gospel and the Law of Moses;
  5. The helpless condition of human beings to save themselves, yet being rebellious, moral agents, God still rightly and lovingly requires them by Gospel command to repent and believe in Jesus as Savior and King; and that only by faith alone in Christ alone can anyone be justified before a holy God;
  6. That the Ekklesia (Assembly/Church) of Jesus Messiah is His betrothed heart, desire and focus, from His promise of Pentecost until His promised Second Coming, the great Day of the Lord; and that God desires for unbelieving Jews and Gentiles to be saved and come to know, by faith, the truth of the Messiah;
  7. The perfect, divine timing of Christ's soon and glorious return for His Church of believers from all nations, who have always faced trouble and persecution in this world, just as the Father had planned;
  8. The sufficiency and power of the Holy Scriptures, supernaturally inspired and directed by the Holy Spirit and written through the hands and hearts of imperfect, saved men, yet with no errors in the original writings;
  9. The historical, philosophical and scientific reliability of the Bible, which believers learn, with instruction from the Holy Spirit, by using sound interpretation for the literary genres of and within the inspired 66 books;
  10. That God made Adam and Eve in His own image by supernatural processes, not my mindless, accidental, atheistic evolution; and that all human families descended from our first parents;
  11. That the world and its creatures were destroyed in ancient times by a global flood of water, and that only Noah and his seven relatives, and the organism types with them on the Ark survived the Flood;
  12. That a real, historical Exodus took place in which the Lord God (YHWH) supernaturally destroyed Egypt and its army, thereby delivering formerly-enslaved Israelites (and the Gentile multitude with them) through the miracle at the Red Sea;
  13. That heterosexual marriage should consist of only one biological male and one biological female as God's true design for marriage, intimacy, sexuality, family life and gender identity;
  14. That believers must war against sin in their minds, hearts and bodies and not put God to the test by abdicating their call to discipleship, holiness and continual repentance from sins in their lives, as perfection does not come until glorification;
  15. That Christians must not seek idols, false teachers or false prophets but test everything by the Bible, and elevate and obey those inspired Scriptures above all human guile and deceit;
  16. That at the cross, Jesus Messiah fulfilled the Law of Moses, satisfying the theocratic and ceremonial laws including the weekly Sabbath, the dietary laws, the feasts and the Temple sacrifices; thereby putting believers under the gospel laws of the NT, and the moral laws consistent with God's character and His principles in the Ten Commandments.

What makes EKS unique?

EKS is committed to a holistic, biblical worldview in training future pastors, preachers, missionaries, Bible teachers, and researchers. Our comprehensive training and biblically-faithful instructors set us apart.

How can I enroll in the Free Course 2024?

Contact EKS to enroll in the Free Course 2024 and start your journey in biblical education and ministry. The course is open to both undergraduate and graduate students and spans 8 weeks during the Fall academic semester.

Join Our Community

Are you ready to deepen your understanding of the Bible and embark on a journey in ministry and missions?

Apply today and become a part of the Eternal King School of the Bible.